Things to know before leaving your job and becoming a work-at-home-mom
There were a lot of changes that I had to make in terms of my routines and the best part is I finally found time to do stuff that I have meant to do for so long.
Like washing the curtains, for example. And sorting out our old and new clothes.
The first month after I left my fulltime job, it was quite the "honeymoon" phase.
I woke up everyday enjoying the fact that I do not have to rush for work anymore, and all I did was catching up with the people and things I love.
No more responsibilities to worry about, no more deadlines, no more what-to-wear-today dilemmas, no more.
It was really fun.
I knew that it should not last for long though. Being a person who seems to "need" something to do, I finally got back on my freelancing track on around the 2nd month.
Things has been going steady ever since.
Well, I don't earn as much as I did in my full-time job, but somehow, it feels enough. I get to do the thing that I love to do (writing) and I get some cash to fund my newfound hobby (sewing), I am happy that way. Alhamdulillah.
Anyway, I feel like I have earned the rights to share some advice with full-time working moms who aspires to be a WAHM or a SAHM too. So here goes:
It is normal to have fear of the unknown.
It is normal to freak out at the thought of having no more financial income or at least a steady or secure income.
It is normal to fear the uncertainties.
It is perfectly normal to feel like event though u have left a full time job, you still want to achieve something for yourself, or keep on contributing to something.
It is completely crucial that you believe that you will always have a portion of rezeki or blessings in this world.
It is important that you continue to work hard and find something to make you feel happy and content.
Believe that God is the ultimate one who gives us all His endless bounty and blessings.
Seek and you shall find. Ask and you shall get the answer.
With all that said, consider this my support for the biggest and best decision you would probably make in your life :)