Help me wake up for my Subuh prayers!

Early to bed,
Early to rise,
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Or in my case "Makes a woman" healthy, wealthy and wise.

Very true indeed.

To be honest I was not really a morning person myself, especially during my study years. But somehow after I joined the workforce, I discovered the beauty of rising up early and starting up the day.

Now all I know is I hate waking up late in the morning. One is because 24 hours is no longer enough for me, being a mom and all, and two, because I feel that my most productive time is now in the morning, when I feel all fresh and motivated to start a new day. There is this kind of "missing out" feeling that I get when I realize that I wake up late, those few hours of productivity that I missed which of course, cannot be retrieved again.

Although, there is one thing that I still have to improve : Waking up for Fajr (Subuh) prayers.

I am not going to lie her, I even confess:

I suck at waking up for Fajr prayers.

That is my biggest spirituality problem. And I hope that I can find a solution to it soon. You see there are days that I am so determined and I am so sure that I will wake up on time for the prayer (setting lots of alarms and such), but it always fails.

Sigh. How lahhhh..

Shame on me if I don't work on this. Like seriously am I thinking of living this way for the rest of my life? So much for being better today than tomorrow. Huhu. And I have my children to teach this to, how lah to teach if I don't lead by example.

I was googling about waking up early and here's one of the thing that I found (aaahh..this could be helpful) :
My dear brothers/sisters, every day when you read Surat Al-Fatiha, at least 17 times a day, you recite the verse “You Alone we Worship, and You Alone we Seek Help from”: You want to worship Allah? “Yes!” You need His help then. You want to wake up for Fajr? “Yes please!” Guess what, you need Allah. You cannot, I repeat, cannot, wake up for fajr without Allah’s help. Now ask yourself the question, what can I do to show Allah that I truly and utterly want to wake up for fajr?!
Readers, do you have this problem too? Besides what was shared in Productive Muslim  article above, do you have any other personal tips to share on how I can work on this? 


P/S: I better go to sleep now, perhaps one thing that hinders me from waking up early is because I sleep late!


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