Bloglovin' and NuffnangX

Have you ever heard of Bloglovin' and Nuffnang X?

If you are an avid reader of blogs, like me, these "tools" are very helpful to help you stay up to date with your favorite blogs. It works kind of like a feed, updating you with excerpts and headlines of the latest entry from the blogs that you are following.

Bloglovin' is more popular in the States I guess, and it has been in the blogosphere for quite some time. I do not find many Malaysian bloggers there yet, but no harm in joining and claiming your blog there, maybe you will also get more international followers too.

Nuffnang X works quite the same with Bloglovin', only that it has more bloggers from Asia Pacific and Malaysia. It has just been launched by Nuffnang a few months ago, and it is steadily gaining its popularity. Best of all it also has its own apps for Android and iOS, so you can stay up to date with your favorite blogs anywhere you go.Don't worry, you can still join NuffnangX even if you are not in the Nuffnang blog ad community, it kinda works independently (except that you can use you Nuffnang account to login if you have one).

And here is a shout out (you saw this coming eh?),

Mommy Confessionals is now on both, Bloglovin' and Nuffnang X! Hehehe...

Follow on Bloglovin
Follow Mommy Confessionals on Bloglovin'!

Wanna know more about Bloglovin' and Nuffnang X? Click on these links to be directed, and claim your blog too!


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