Daily Blog Planner from I Heart Organizing

So Maya Angelou once said,

If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t, change your attitude.

That is exactly what I am doing to my bad blogging habit that I have right now.

You probably noticed that my entries are temperamental; meaning when the mood comes by, posts comes like waterfall. But when the writer’s block kicks in, poof then I am gone with the wind.

Guilty as charged. Hehe.

Blogging it seems, is a lot about organizing. I do have ideas coming and going, usually when they come I would write it down on a piece of paper, or worst I just kept it in the back of my mind thinking to myself that I can recall it anytime later (pfftt!). Sometimes I jot it down in my Iphone notes or in Evernote.

Problem is, end of the day I don’t know where they all went. It’s all scattered around, and all cluttered. Which I could not stand, because right when I needed it, I just could not find it!

So back to the change I was talking about, perhaps now I should consider handling my blog in a more organized manner. I was browsing around Pinterest to get some idea, and then comes Jen from I Heart Organizing, with her ever so always brilliant organizing ideas : A Daily Blog Planner! Yeay! 

{from I Heart Organizing : Daily Blog Planner}
She has designed a set of blog organizing printables, which can be compiled into a notebook or a binder. The set consists of pages to list blog post ideas, website enhancements, projects to do, and even a notes page. Brilliant eh?

Jen is selling these lovely printables in her Etsy shop, and for more interesting organizing ideas, you can always visit her blog ;)

Of course it doesn’t come in for free but I think it’s a pretty good investment, so I have made my order. Hehe. Gotta face the fact that I do not have much time to design my own.

Well at least it’s proven that I am not the only one with this problem. Makes me feel a lot better, LOL.

How about you? Do you have this kind of problem? If yes how do you manage it? Share it with us perhaps?


Unknown said…
Thank you for this! I too have ideas about 'next blog entry' but when the time comes kadang2 dah jadi topik lain haha. Organizing is what I love doing so lemme try to it this way also.
Ayuni A. said…
Glad you loved it kak Millie! :) Yes you should try it, and good luck to us! Hihi...
Wifey Inc. said…
I just came across your blog. Thought I'd share a pretty blog planner I like to use and it's free!

check it out here.


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